When an insurance company refuses to compensate you or your family for a personal injury that wasn’t your fault, you need to take strong legal action. Insurance companies will probably try to intimidate you. Or perhaps they’ll claim they can’t offer more money. Either way, you shouldn’t have to suffer financially because of someone else’s reckless behavior.
At Bell & Pollock, our bad faith insurance attorneys take a tough stance against insurance companies. Their scare tactics do not intimidate us. We know how to negotiate with them, and we know how to get our clients the compensation they rightfully deserve. We will not rest until justice is served. We fight especially hard against insurance companies that are not dealing fairly with injury victims. This practice is known as “bad faith,” and it’s against the law.
Bad faith insurance is a legal term used to describe insurance companies that knowingly try to deceive clients or behave in an unethical manner. For example, if you’re injured in an auto accident caused by another driver and an insurance company refuses to pay for your injuries, you may have grounds to file a bad faith lawsuit in Colorado.
The following are some other examples of bad faith cases:
Bad faith insurance disputes in Colorado can be complicated. You need to prove your insurance company acted in bad faith. Your insurance company will likely have lawyers working behind the scenes to protect the company’s interests. That’s why it’s critical that you contact us. Our experienced bad faith insurance lawyers can work with you and help you mount a strong case designed to succeed. We know where to look for the facts you need and know how to use that information to build a strong case. We’re here to work for you.
If your insurance company is not being cooperative, you might not know what to do to protect your rights. Your first instinct might be to give up and accept whatever offer the insurance company has made to you. That’s exactly what the insurance companies want – and expect – you to do. They don’t frighten us. We can help you build a strong case and take on the insurance companies. We can fight for your rights.
Some of the most common insurance disputes arise over some of the most common personal injury cases in Colorado. These cases include:
With so much at stake, it’s critical that you have someone on your side who knows the law and takes your case seriously. At Bell & Pollock, we treat every client with dignity and respect. We don’t tell you what to do. We work with you. You make the final decision. You’re in charge. That’s just one of the things that makes our law firm different. We put your needs first.